Balance Transfer Tricks For All Networks

Balance Transfer Tricks For All Network:-

Airtel Simply Dial *141# and follow the instruction

TataDocomo type a SMS as BT MobileNumber Amount and send it to 54321, e.g. BT 9973548521 25 to transfer Rs.25.


Idea type a SMS as GIVE MobileNumber Amount  and send it to 55567 | e.g. GIVE 8092823031 30 to transfer Rs.30.


Uninor Just dial *202*MobileNumber*Amoun#, e.g.Dial *202*8271030185*20# to transfer Rs.20
Vodafone Just Dial *131*Amount*Mobile No#, e.g. *131*50*9955785328# for transfer Rs.50.

Official Balance Transfer Trick For Aircel Now u can transfer the aircel Mobile Balance Officially DIAL *122*666# You can transfer 10, 20 and 100Rs

 For Reliance Gsm Free Balance Transfer Trick :

Step 1: Dial this number *367*3#

Step 2: Then enter *312*3# and mobile(mdn) number

Step 3: Enter the amount you want to transfer

Step 4: Enter the pin.default pin is 1

Bsnl balance transfer trick

just send : (GIFT mobile no ammout) to 53733
example:GIFT 9415646625 50 to 53733
note you can transfer balance to bsnl number only and you can't transfer balance less than 10rs

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